Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Choose Our Adventure commences!

Dear P&C Faithful,

Limit and I have decided to open our hearts and minds up to the flock. Occasionally we will be asking you, the readers, to send us out and about to crags of your choice. Not only will you pick the crag from a short list of destinations that we provide, but you will decide certain routes or boulders you would like to see us attempt, succeed or flail at. Upon return of our little jaunt we will report or successes, failures, and general good or bad times that we experienced. So, with that said, let the choosing begin!

This week the areas up for your options are:

1) The Black Canyon

2) Rifle

3) Stealing a super secret project in Colorado

These are your options, but to narrow the field even more I will provide routes at each area that you think we should get on and attempt.

1) The Black Canyon, a) The Scenic Cruise, 10d Grade V. b) Atlantis, 5.11 PG-13. c) Journey Home, 10a/b Grade IV.

2) Rifle, a) Projecting Lungfish 14a. b) Basically, we will get on most anything you tell us to in Rifle. The only caveat is seepiness, not always down with wet fingers.

3) Steal Super Secret Project somewhere in Colorado. Enough said.

So, either email us at pimpinandcrimpin@gmail.com or comment to this post. At week's end we will tally the votes, analyze the arguments, and make a decision based on your feedback. Make it count!


Ang said...

Scenic Cruise all the way!!!

furry said...

sack up and go to the black

wig said...

who gives a shit what you two knuckleheads do with your time anyway. do em all.

AB said...

don't come to rifle. To quote Samet, there's no parking and you're not good enough to do any of the climbs there anyway.