Thursday, April 3, 2008


I'm going to be completely honest, I have a spraying problem, there, I said it. The arsenal of tactics with which I employ this spray range from a subtle fine mist, like the kind that feels good on a really hot day, to full on hydration overload. Depending on who you are and our relationship, I have gotten you wet. Ha, I have to laugh at that.

Anyway, I have been trying to articulate the reason why I spray down friend and foe alike. Let's face it, we rock climb for many reasons and it is my belief that one of those reasons, however small or large, is ego driven. Now, I have gone through stages in my climbing career when I took the high road by saying things like "oh, I don't care what the grade is, I think the moves are cool," or "climbing is about a connection to nature and people, how hard I climb is irrelevant." Although I still believe those statements to be true, I don't live by them. I've abandoned my view that climbing is this Sharma infused, spiritual 'Pilgrimage' where I journey the globe looking for zen, chi, chai, or whatever the hell Buddhist bead wearing gurus look for. I say each to his own, good for the sojourner of life, but climbing embodies simplicity to me, not philosphy. I go to the crag, I grab holds small and large, I scream sometimes, I fall, I send, I belay, I try hard, I have fun. I like to climb hard grades, I like to talk about climbing hard grades. What is so wrong with that? Since grades are relative to some point, sure, my climbing resume is meaningless upside super mutant kids and professional climbers, but I spray because I am psyched about my accomplishments and the things I am working on. Seems to me that the people who cry sprayer are the people who wish they had something to spray about or may be self conscious about the things they are proud of. Stand tall if you just onsighted your first 10c, tell me about it, but don't dog me if I tell you about the 12d I just flashed. Give me the mutual respect that I give you. If I wasn't pushing myself, then I probably wouldn't spray. But I do, so get used to it!

Here's part of the justification. When the topic of conversation is climbing, which it always seems to be, how can I tip toe around the tulips so as not to offend or taint the conversation with spray? I don't have the answer, I don't think it is possible. If you and I are talking about a crag or a certain route and I have onsighted that route or climbed it, I am going to tell you about it. Not in a demeaning way, but I am going to let you know. If my old climbing partners call to see how I am I spray them down with the things I have just sent, the things I am working on, and the goals I have set for the year and I want them to do the same. Whether the goals are equal or not is not the issue, it's the motivation. Seems to me that I get driven because my friends are driven. I like Seeing my friends psyched about the same thing I am psyched about, climbing! So, I am going to end this blog with two items for my spraying pleasure. The image is me onsighting a route in Oklahoma called Ra, a traditional 11d. I have wanted to do this route, onsight, since I started climbing. Ra is iconic in Oklahoma, something hardmen tell their kids in bedtime stories and around campfires. The second form or spray is a link to my scorecard, yes I have a scorecard and I am unapologetic about it.


Cass & Ang said...

I think i can speak on behalf of several of the golden climbing crew when i say that we appreciate your honesty. I am even more glad that from here on i can spray you down with abandon and hold no guilty feelings about it. I may even glean some beta from you for my latest proj...

dave said...

It's not the fact that you 'spray', or the fact that all these bloggers are absolute hard asses from a keyboard. It's the fact that you must put others down to be that badass. Did the gillams and the hoopers slam you for sucking so bad when you started, or did they invite you to the next party at the bridge? I guess it's the fact that i miss the old bronco and broncos morals that i used to know. Tell those other two guys that they must be pretty fucking bad ass too.

wig said...

Bronco said...
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